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How To Clean Shrimp Tutorial

I like this method because you are handling two jobs at once. You're cleaning the shrimp and defrosting/thawing as well.
Directions for cleaning shell on deveined shrimp: Start by placing cold water into a large bowl filled with ice. Reason for the ice is to assure the water remains cold, because we're going to allow the shrimp to soak for about a total of 15 minutes. Add about 1/4 cup of salt to the water. Mix the salt into the water using a spoon until salt is dissolved.
Place the frozen shrimp into the salt water solution.
After about 10 minutes of the shrimp soaking and thawing in the salt water solution you can start by using your fingers to peel away the shells.
When this process is finished and all shells are removed from the shrimp, throw away the water. Repeat the process, this time you can use less salt. Add about 4 drops of lemon juice to the water and using your fingers while the shrimp is in the bowl massage the shrimp in the salt water and lemon juice mixture to remove all residue.
When finished rinse with cold water, drain water, pat dry with a paper towel and cook as desired.