BLT Pasta Salad
BLT Pasta Salad, Taking Bacon Lettuce And Tomatoes, Well In This Case Bacon Spinach And Tomatoes, To A New High!! Flavorful Quick and Easy Guaranteed To Impress At Your Next Potluck Or Cookout!! Creamy Pasta Salad Made With Tons Of Bacon And Freshly Diced Tomatoes Just To Name A Few Ingredients!!! Let’s Eat!!!
BLT Pasta Salad
BLT Pasta Salad Flavorful Quick and Easy Guaranteed To Impress At Your Next Potluck Or Cookout!!
Servings 6 people
- Ingredients Needed
- One 16 ounce box elbow macaroni precooked and chilled
- 3/4 cup to 1 cup mayonnaise
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- Handful freshly chopped spinach
- 2 plum tomatoes
- One small red onion
- 10 slices of turkey bacon or alternative
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
- Salt taste + ground black pepper to taste
- Adding all ingredients combine thoroughly, before placing into refrigerator to chill and marinate.
Ensalada BLT Pasta
Ensalada BLT Pasta Flavorful rápida y fácil duda van a impresionar en su próxima Potluck O Cookout !!!
Servings 6 people
- Ingredientes Necesarios
- Una caja de 16 oz macarrones comida precocinada y enfriada
- 3/4 taza a 1 taza de mayonesa
- 1/4 taza de crema agria
- Un puñado de espinaca fresca picada
- 2 to mates ciruela
- Una pequeña cebolla roja
- 10 rebanadas de tocino de pavo o alternativo
- ajo en polvo 1 cucharadita
- 3 cucharadas de vinagre de arroz
- Sal sabor + pimienta negro al gusto
- Añadiendo todos los ingredientes combinan a fondo, antes de colocar en el refrigerador para enfriar y dejar macerar .